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Down Jackets Donation to Needies in Remote Villages in Xinjiang and Gansu Province  

After planning for over half a year, Tongs Charity Foundation braved the freezing weather and went to remote and poor villages located inside Gansu and XinJiang provinces, situated in the northwestern part of China. Trying to rush there before Chinese New Year, we distributed thousands of warm down jackets to many elderlies, handicapped and poverty-stricken individuals so they can fight the bitter cold winter where the average temperature in the Dzungarian Basin is 20ºC below freezing point in January. This series of well-thought-out donation activities required planning and dedications from volunteers who worked tirelessly to make it all possible.

We also took this opportunity to gain insight into the lives of local elders. With the now-grown children moved away to urban areas to make better living, the village elderlies are left to raise their left-behind grandchildren. Even though children are lively and innocent, we have witnessed some of the challenges that these children encountered every day.

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We very much appreciate the support and assistance from車品覺老師和張夢琳(Coco)小姐, and Greendream Children Center in Beijing to successfully implemented and completed these donation events. We are fortunate that Ms. Coco Zhang has agreed to be our consultant. From setting destinations, coordinating transportation, storage, and distributions to contacting local officials, she has diligently managed all details big or small.

This Gansu and Xinjiang donation effort involved a large geographical area. 4,100 pieces of down jackets were distributed in remote villages, such as Kata'er Kela Keshicun, Kaxgar, and Kashgar. Winter here is mercilessly cold and blustery.  Our volunteers successfully executed all distributions even in the midst of snow storms that caused immobility and road closures.

This donation event was led by our board member, John Tong. Team members included Coco Zhang, Frank Tong, and Nancy Tong.

甘肅, 新疆貧窮落後農村捐赠羽绒服
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籌備了整整大半年的時間, 湯氏慈善基金會冒著寒冷天氣, 趕著過農曆年之前, 前往我國大西北的甘肅、新疆貧窮落後農村, 派發禦寒衣物. 這是湯氏慈善基金會從去年開始籌備, 今年初行動的一連串“湯氏慈善基金會西部地區送暖衣捐贈活動”.

我們也藉這機會, 深入了解當地長者生活情況. 農村獨居老人家生活需然不錯, 但孩子長大後, 總是離鄉別井, 跑到城市裡謀生, 留下一班活潑可愛的孩童,也深深以第一身經驗, 體會到留守兒童的問題.

這次行動, 我們很感謝車品覺老師和張夢琳(Coco)小姐的鼎力支持和幫助, 有賴中國兒藝會綠夢文化藝術基金綠夢公益協助, 此項目得以意完滿成功. 再者,我們有幸張小姐答應為基金會這次行動的顧問, 安排所以選址, 物流, 儲存, 派發, 交通, 與當地政府接洽和所有細節, 安排盡善盡美.

是次西部地區送暖衣捐贈活動所涉及地域什廣, 我們所到的村莊, 包括偏僻的新疆伊犁州霍城縣三宮鄉, 甘肅秦安縣梨樹村, 甘肅太陽廟川, 甘肅張家川, 新疆水曲等多個村莊, 共派發了共4100件禦寒衣物. 新疆的冬天天寒地凍,冷得不可描述. 執行過程中風大停滯,幾經辛苦才終於完成.


基金會由湯厚基帶隊,成員包括車品覺, 張夢琳, 湯復基, 和湯玉婷.

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